KiTEC has contributed to the following publications:
Barnes, A., Shuaib, H., Akinluyi, E., Ourselin, S., & Keevil, S. (2022). The Role of the Clinical Engineer in Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment of Medical Devices. Medical Physics International, 10(2).
Chalkidou, A., Shokraneh, F., Kijauskaite, G., Taylor-Phillips, S., Halligan, S., Wilkinson, L., Glocker, B., Garrett, P., Denniston, A. K., & Mackie, A. (2022). Recommendations for the development and use of imaging test sets to investigate the test performance of artificial intelligence in health screening. The Lancet Digital Health, 4(12), e899–e905.doi:10.1016/S2589-7500(22)00186-8
Chauhan, A. S., Guinness, L., Bahuguna, P., Singh, M. P., Aggarwal, V., Rajsekhar, K., Tripathi, S., & Prinja, S. (2022). Cost of hospital services in India: A multi-site study to inform provider payment rates and Health Technology Assessment. BMC Health Serv Res, 22(1), 1343. doi: 10.1186/s12913-022-08707-7
Diez, P., Hanna, G., Aitken, K., van As, N., Carver, A., Colaco, R. J., Conibear, J., Dunne, E., Eaton, D., & Franks, K. (2022). UK 2022 consensus on normal tissue dose-volume constraints for oligometastatic, primary lung and hepatocellular carcinoma stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. Clinical Oncology, 34(5), 288–300.doi:10.1016/j.clon.2022.02.010
Hinrichs-Krapels, S., Ditewig, B., Boulding, H., Chalkidou, A., Erskine, J., & Shokraneh, F. (2022). Purchasing high-cost medical devices and equipment in hospitals: A systematic review. BMJ Open, 12(9), e057516.doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057516
Khosravi, S., Khayyamfar, A., Shemshadi, M., Koltapeh, M. P., Sadeghi-Naini, M., Ghodsi, Z., Shokraneh, F., Bardsiri, M. S., Derakhshan, P., Komlakh, K., Vaccaro, A. R., Fehlings, M. G., Guest, J. D., Noonan, V., & Rahimi-Movaghar, V. (2022). Indicators of Quality of Care in Individuals With Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Scoping Review. Global Spine Journal, 12(1), 166–181. doi:10.1177/2192568220981988
Nazir, M. S., Rodriguez-Guadarrama, Y., Rua, T., Bui, K. H., Gola, A. B., Chiribiri, A., McCrone, P., Plein, S., & Pennington, M. (2022). Cost-effectiveness in diagnosis of stable angina patients: A decision-analytical modelling approach. Open Heart, 9(1), e001700. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2021-001700
Patrick, H., Bui, K., Grzeda, M., Norton, S., Austin, C., Barnes, A., Kanigicherla, D., & Khwaja, A. (2022). HTA224 Commissioning Through Evaluation: RWE for Rituximab in the Management of Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy. Value in Health, 25(12), S340. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2022.09.1682
Bega, D., Kuo, P. H., Chalkidou, A., Grzeda, M. T., Macmillan, T., Brand, C., Sheikh, Z. H., & Antonini, A. (2021). Clinical utility of DaTscan in patients with suspected Parkinsonian syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Npj Parkinson’s Disease, 7(1), 43. doi:10.1038/s41531-021-00185-8
Chalkidou, A., Macmillan, T., Grzeda, M. T., Peacock, J., Summers, J., Eddy, S., Coker, B., Patrick, H., Powell, H., & Berry, L. (2021). Stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy in patients with oligometastatic cancers: A prospective, registry-based, single-arm, observational, evaluation study. The Lancet Oncology, 22(1), 98–106. doi:10.1016/S1470-2045(20)30537-4
Erskine, J., Goddard, K., & Chalkidou, A. (2021). OP345 Evaluation Of An Artificial Intelligence-assisted Service For Cardiac Monitoring As Part Of A National Institute For Health And Care Excellence (NICE) Digital Health Technology Pilot. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 37(S1), 15–15. doi:10.1017/S0266462321001021
Jin, H., Chalkidou, A., Hawkins, M., Summers, J., Eddy, S., Peacock, J., Coker, B., Kartha, M., Good, J., & Pennington, M. (2021). Cost-effectiveness analysis of stereotactic ablative body radiation therapy compared with surgery and radiofrequency ablation in two patient cohorts: Metastatic liver cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical Oncology, 33(3), e143–e154.doi: 10.1016/j.clon.2020.08.010
Kontou, E., Kettlewell, J., Condon, L., Thomas, S., Lee, A. R., Sprigg, N., Watkins, D. C., Walker, M. F., & Shokraneh, F. (2021). A scoping review of psychoeducational interventions for people after transient ischemic attack and minor stroke. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 28(5), 390–400. Embase. doi:10.1080/10749357.2020.1818473
MacFarlane, A., Russell-Rose, T., & Shokraneh, F. (2021). Search Strategy Formulation for Systematic Reviews: Issues, challenges and opportunities. ArXiv Preprint ArXiv:2112.09424. doi:10.48550/arXiv.2112.09424
Roberts, M. T., Shokraneh, F., Sun, Y., Groom, M., & Adams, C. E. (2021). Classification of psychotherapy interventions for people with schizophrenia: Development of the Nottingham Classification of Psychotherapies. Evidence-Based Mental Health, 24(2), 62–69. doi:10.1136/ebmental-2020-300151
Stockley, J., Gola, A. B., Guadarrama, Y. R., Shokraneh, F., Palou, J., Roupret, M., Gontero, P., Witjes, J. A., Sylvester, R., & McCracken, S. (2021). A cost consequence analysis for utilising intermittent ADXBLADDER testing in the follow up of patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer, compared to standard care. Journal of Clinical Urology, 14(1 SUPPL), 65. doi:10.1177/20514158211013240
Aali, G., das Nair, R., & Shokraneh, F. (2020). Post-stroke fatigue: A scoping review. [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research2020, 9:242.doi:10.12688/f1000research.22880.2
Chalkidou, A., Reid, F., Peacock, J., Pennington, M., Kartha, M. R., Coker, B., & McMillan, V. (2020). Commissioning through Evaluation: Stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) re-irradiation report.
Goddard, K., Pennington, M., Kartha, M. R., Macmillan, T., Bunce, C., Summers, J. A., Keevil, S., & Chalkidou, A. (2020). Complex clinical pathways: Assessing the value of a device for detecting diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Diabet. Foot J., 23, 16–20.
Pennington, M., Summers, J., Coker, B., Eddy, S., Kartha, M. R., Edwards, K., Freeman, R., Goodden, J., Powell, H., & Verity, C. (2020). Selective dorsal rhizotomy; evidence on cost-effectiveness from England. Plos One, 15(8), e0236783. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0236783
Rezvan, M., Meknatkhah, S., Hassannejad, Z., Sharif-Alhoseini, M., Zadegan, S. A., Shokraneh, F., Vaccaro, A. R., Lu, Y., & Rahimi-Movaghar, V. (2020). Time-dependent microglia and macrophages response after traumatic spinal cord injury in rat: A systematic review. Injury, 51(11), 2390–2401. doi:10.1016/j.injury.2020.07.007
Shokraneh, F., & Adams, C. E. (2020). Cochrane Schizophrenia Group’s study-based register of randomized controlled trials: Development and content analysis. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 1(1), sgaa061. doi:10.1093/schizbullopen/sgaa061
Erskine, J., & Chalkidou, A. (2019). VP57 Using Capital Bids For Hospital-Based Health Technology Assessment. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 35(S1), 89–89. doi:10.1017/S0266462319003209
Macmillan, T., & Chalkidou, A. (2019). PP02 Using Real World Data To Identify The Market For A New Technology. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 35(S1), 37–37.doi:10.1017/S0266462319001818
Macmillan, T., Chalkidou, A., & Goddard, K. (2019). VP23 Assessing The Effectiveness Of A Medical Device With Limited Evidence. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 35(S1), 81–81. doi:10.1017/S0266462319002988
Fantoni, E. R., Chalkidou, A., O’Brien, J. T., Farrar, G., & Hammers, A. (2018). A Systematic Review and Aggregated Analysis on the Impact of Amyloid PET Brain Imaging on the Diagnosis, Diagnostic Confidence, and Management of Patients being Evaluated for Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 63(2), 783–796. Embase. doi:10.3233/JAD-171093for-treating-complex-aneurysms-and-dissections-of-the-thoracic-aorta-64371877738693
Goddard, K., Vas, P., Purves, A., McMillan, V., Langford, T., Reid, F., & Edmonds, M. (2018). Comparing the diagnostic accuracy of simple tests to screen for diabetic peripheral neuropathy: Protocol for a cross-sectional study. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(4), e7438.doi: 10.2196/resprot.7438
Herz, N. D., Chalkidou, A., Reid, F., Keevil, S. F., Coleman, A., Craythorne, E., & Patalay, R. (2018). Evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of reflectance confocal microscopy to diagnose skin cancer: Protocol for a prospective, multicenter study. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(8), e9296.doi: 10.2196/resprot.9296
Langford, T., Arkir, Z., Chalkidou, A., Goddard, K., Kaftantzi, L., Samaan, M., & Irving, P. (2018). The Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of 4 Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Kits for Monitoring Infliximab in Crohn Disease Patients: Protocol for a Validation Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(10), e11218. doi:10.2196/11218
Love-Koh, J., Peel, A., Rejon-Parrilla, J. C., Ennis, K., Lovett, R., Manca, A., Chalkidou, A., Wood, H., & Taylor, M. (2018). The Future of Precision Medicine: Potential Impacts for Health Technology Assessment. PharmacoEconomics, 36(12), 1439–1451. doi:10.1007/s40273-018-0686-6
Macmillan, T., Pennington, M., Summers, J. A., Goddard, K., Zala, D., Herz, N., Peacock, J. L., Keevil, S., & Chalkidou, A. (2018). SecurAcath for securing peripherally inserted central catheters: A NICE medical technology guidance. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 16(6), 779–791.doi:10.1007/s40258-018-0427-1
Rejon-Parrilla, J. C., Lovett, R. E., Chalkidou, A., Love-Koh, J., Wood, H., Ennis, K., Peel, A., & Taylor, M. (2017). The future of precision medicine: What does it mean for nice? Value in Health, 20(9), A404. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2017.08.036
Summers, J. A., Radhakrishnan, M., Morris, E., Chalkidou, A., Rua, T., Patel, A., McMillan, V., Douiri, A., Wang, Y., & Ayis, S. (2017). Virtual TouchTM Quantification to diagnose and monitor liver fibrosis in hepatitis B and hepatitis C: A NICE medical technology guidance. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 15, 139–154. doi: 10.1007/s40258-016-0277-7
Lewis, M. A., Pascoal, A., Keevil, S. F., & Lewis, C. A. (2016). Selecting a CT scanner for cardiac imaging: The heart of the matter. British Journal of Radiology, 89(1065), 20160376. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20160376
Morris, E., Chalkidou, A., Hammers, A., Peacock, J., Summers, J., & Keevil, S. (2016). Diagnostic accuracy of 18F amyloid PET tracers for the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 43(2), 374–385.doi: 10.1007/s00259-015-3228-x
Reid, F., Peacock, J., Coker, B., McMillan, V., Lewis, C., Keevil, S., Sherwood, R., Vivian, G., Logan, R., & Summers, J. (2016). A multicenter prospective study to investigate the diagnostic accuracy of the SeHCAT test in measuring bile acid malabsorption: Research protocol. JMIR Research Protocols, 5(1), e4467.doi:10.2196/resprot.4467
Summers, J. A., Peacock, J., Coker, B., McMillan, V., Ofuya, M., Lewis, C., Keevil, S., Logan, R., McLaughlin, J., & Reid, F. (2016). Multicentre prospective survey of SeHCAT provision and practice in the UK. BMJ Open Gastroenterology, 3(1), e000091. doi:10.1136/bmjgast-2016-000091
McLaughlin, J., Notghi, A., & Summers, J. (2015). PTH-229 SeHCAT in the United Kingdom: A multi-centre prospective survey. Gut, 64(SUPPL. 1), A511. doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2015-309861.1117
Summers, J. A., Clinch, J., Radhakrishnan, M., Healy, A., McMillan, V., Morris, E., Rua, T., Ofuya, M., Wang, Y., & Dimmock, P. W. (2015). The gekoTM electro-stimulation device for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis: A NICE medical technology guidance. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 13, 135–147. doi:10.1007/s40258-014-0139-0
Radhakrishnan, M., Peacock, J., Rua, T., Clough, R. E., Ofuya, M., Wang, Y., Morris, E., Lewis, C., & Keevil, S. (2014). E-vita open plus for treating complex aneurysms and dissections of the thoracic aorta: A NICE medical technology guidance. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 12, 485–495. doi:10.1007/s40258-014-0114-9
Clough, R., Keevil, S., Lewis, C., Morris, E., Ofuya, M., Patel, A., Peacock, J., Kartha, M. R., Rua, T. D. O., & Wang, Y. (2013). E-vita open plus for treating complex aneurysms and dissections of the thoracic aorta.
Reis, C., Pascoal, A., Sakellaris, T., & Koutalonis, M. (2013). Quality assurance and quality control in mammography: A review of available guidance worldwide. Insights into Imaging, 4, 539–553. doi:10.1007/s13244-013-0269-1
KiTEC - King's Technology Evaluation Centre
Becket House, 1 Lambeth Palace Road, Lambeth, London, SE1 7EU, UK